First Impressions: Exposure to Violence and A Child’s Developing Brain

This informational video illustrates the dangers of chronic exposure to violence on a child’s developing brain. Combining inspirational true-life stories and nationally recognized experts, viewers are given information on a child’s developmental risk if regularly exposed to domestic violence and other violent situations. Youths and adults affected by violence share how exposure to violence has impacted their lives. Experts in child psychology and social work explain the connection between exposure to violence and mental health problems. The stories and research presented detail the developmental challenges and resiliency of children who are exposed to violence.

Included on this film:

  • First Impressions: Exposure to Violence and a Child’s Developing Brain (15 minutes), closed captioned in English and Spanish (on DVD).

Bonus Materials:

  • Tony’s Story and The Spaghetti Story – Two short excerpts suitable for trainings, workshops, and other public presentations.
  • Window of Opportunity: Reducing Children’s Exposure to Violence – A more in-depth video on chronic exposure to violence and a child’s developing brain. (13 minutes) closed captioned in English and Spanish (on DVD).

Stream this film on Youtube:

Permission for Use: Futures Without Violence did not produce this material, but has been one of the distributing organizations. Permission for use requires that the film be used in it’s entirety. Anyone is welcome to use the film as long as there is no money charged, and that it is not edited or broken up in pieces. This film was created by the California Attorney General’s Office, Crime and Violence Prevention Center, any inquiries for permission to use of this film can be directed to the Arrotney General’s office rep. Janet Mistchenko: