Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Our vision is our name: Futures Without Violence.

To achieve our vision, FUTURES commits to advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging – both within our organization and throughout our work. We advocate for access and opportunity for all communities, both to prevent violence in the future and to end violence, discrimination and hate now.

Our equity approach strives to reach across cultures, identities, divergent and concurring thoughts and backgrounds. With deep roots in the movement to end violence and abuse, we focus on helping individuals, families, and communities most at risk of experiencing violence, discrimination, and hate to stop it now and interrupt the intersecting conditions and systems that enable it to happen again.

A future without violence is only possible if we are each welcomed to show up as ourselves, in all our complexities and differences as humans.

To further equity and inclusion, FUTURES has long advocated with partners and coalitions to direct resources to communities affected by violence. We commit to sharing power and resources with people and communities that have been marginalized, and strive to ensure our policies and programs are informed by them. We also commit to uplifting and joining collective social justice movements, including for racial, economic and gender justice.

In 2015, FUTURES launched an internal Equity Committee, focused on advancing racial equity. The Equity Committee has evolved to create a space for staff across multiple identities and positions to celebrate diversity, learn from one another, heal from racial trauma, and take action towards equity and racial justice in our work and workplace. We commit to continuing to learn, practice humility, and hold ourselves accountable through self-reflection, approaching conflict openly and honestly, and working toward collective healing to inform our work and further our outcomes.


As we continue to make progress, FUTURES will be guided by:

  • Communities that have been marginalized. Our work is guided by the contributions of communities and people most at risk of violence, discrimination and hate, and we will continue to advocate for greater opportunity and access for those disproportionately harmed.
  • Our partners. We will continue to partner with other leaders in the anti-violence, gender equity, racial justice and economic justice movements to create a culture that is focused on love and liberating practices and prioritizes equity, access, justice, opportunity, and responsive systems.
  • Our staff, including those on FUTURES’ Equity Committee, who help us reflect on how we are doing within our organization and recommend actions to make greater progress.

We recognize that this is a journey of lifelong learning, growth, and adaptation. We are open to listening and lifting the voices and experiences of impacted people and communities. Please contact us via email if you’d like to share feedback on how we’re doing.




Finally, to provide transparency, we commit to sharing details on our staff and leadership diversity by race and by gender. Those details are below.


Ethnicity All Staff

all staff

Ethnicity Leadership



Age All Staff

all staff

Age Leadership



Gender All Staff

all staff

Gender Leadership



If you would like to learn more about DEI within the domestic violence and sexual violence field, we invite you to view these videos and discussion guides, intended to be used by advocates and activists to spark conversations on how we can dismantle racism and oppression in our organizations and communities.