Preventing and Addressing Intimate Violence when Engaging Dads (PAIVED)

PAIVED is a national research study conducted by Futures Without Violence, Child Trends, and Boston Medical Center to examine how Responsible Fatherhood Programs (RFP) work to address and prevent intimate partner violence (IPV). The research concluded that RFP staff view preventing and addressing IPV as essential to achieving their program goals, noting that violence is closely interrelated to other challenges faced by fathers. The research, funded by DHHS’s Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, discusses key findings, challenges and successes related to providing IPV services, promising practices, and areas for growth.

Read the full PAIVED Research Report here!

Additionally, PAIVED developed a series of tools to support Responsible Fatherhood Programs in better addressing and preventing intimate partner violence.

Healing and Supporting Fathers: Principles, Practices, and Resources for Fatherhood Programs to Help Address and Prevent Domestic Violence

This document provides principles, practices, and helpful resources for addressing and preventing intimate partner violence in fatherhood programs, including ways to engage fathers, teachable moments, and strategies to partner with domestic violence and battering intervention programs.

Domestic Violence Referral Guide for Fatherhood Programs

This guide provides information to help fatherhood practitioners better understand what referrals are appropriate for participants who have used or experienced IPV. It provides background information to help distinguish between the key features of domestic violence agencies, battering intervention programs, and anger management programs.

Domestic Violence Prevention and Intervention in Fatherhood Programs

This brief is intended to support both researchers and father-serving professionals in their efforts to study, evaluate, and implement practices for use in fatherhood programs to help prevent and address intimate partner violence.