Session 3: Promoting Workforce Wellness and Resilience (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance)

Title: Session 3: Promoting Workforce Wellness and Resilience (2021 ARP COVID-19 Testing, Vaccines and Mobile Health Units Supplemental Funding Technical Assistance)

Date: Tuesday, January 25th, 2022

Time: 11:00am Pacific/2:00pm Eastern

Watch the webinar recording.

Download the transcript.

Handout: Facilitating Attuned Interactions (FAN)

Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation & captioning will be provided.

Promoting staff wellness in the workplace during COVID-19 is critical, given high rates of stress, little or no access to child care, and increased financial insecurity. Staff wellness is especially important for health providers and advocates, as they are both frontline workers. During this session, participants will learn about workforce wellness and resilience strategies ARP funding can support that reduce staff turnover and contribute to COVID-19 mitigation that can be adapted for use in a diverse range of work settings and communities.

Due to technical difficulties, we are not able to provide the Spanish recording of this webinar. Please contact us at if you need Spanish services for this session.

Questions? Please email

>>> En Espanol <<<

Title: Tercera Sesión: Promoviendo en Bienestar y la Resiliencia Laboral

Date: Martes, 25 de enero del 2022

Time: 11am Hora del Pacifico / 2pm Hora del Este

Registration link:

Se ofrecerá interpretación en español, subtítulos, y Lengua de Signos Americana

Promover el bienestar dentro del lugar de trabajo durante COVID-19 es crítico, dado los altos índices de estrés, el poco acceso o nada al cuidado de los niños, y la inseguridad financiera en aumento. El bienestar de los empleados es especialmente importante para proveedores de salud y personas que abogan por otros, ya que ellos están al frente. Durante esta sesión, los participantes aprenderán acerca del bienestar en el lugar de trabajo y las estrategias de resiliencia que los fondos del Plan de Rescate Estadounidense pueden apoyar, para reducir los reemplazos de personal y contribuir a la mitigación del COVID-19 que pueden ser adaptados para el uso dentro de un rango diverso de ambientes laborales y comunidades.

Envía un email al Centro Nacional de Salud y Recursos para la Violencia Domestica al:

This webinar is supported by the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence (HRC), funded by a grant from the Family Violence Prevention & Services Program, Family & Youth Services Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.