Story by That’s Not Cool ambassadors Stephanie, Marie and Kiara. “We are spreading the word to as many people as we can on the topic to get others involved to try to reach those who happen to have been in an abusive relationship. Check out our Instagram project @acehosa!” 


“Our HOSA (Health Occupation Student of America) Project is on Teen Dating Abuse and we are using Instagram to spread awareness about what can happen in an abusive relationship as well as the different types of abuse. We are spreading the word to as many people as we can on the topic to get others involved to try to reach those who happen to have been in an abusive relationship.

Furthermore, this project tied in with the Futures Without Violence #GIFRespect Challenge in which we posted many memes, gifs, and videos on what abusive relationships look like and how someone can get out of an abusive relationship. Overall, we want to reach as many people as we can to start a movement around our community as well as our school on being aware, concerned and educated on Teen Dating Abuse. This is what our project and Instagram account is about. Check it out on Insta – @acehosa.”

-Ambassador Kiara B.