5 Reasons Why Women’s Equality Benefits Everyone


This year we celebrate Women’s Equality Day and come together to promote a more just and compassionate world for all. We know that gender inequality weakens families, societies, nations, and the world as a whole. Today, we take the opportunity to name 5 reasons that we must bridge the gap:

  1. In developed countries, women receive more college degrees (and have higher IQs on average) than men, meaning that bridging the gap between male and female CEOs and political leaders may mean having more educated people in power. In the United States today, there are more CEOs named John than women CEOs in total; however, women in business have demonstrated that they are an asset as managers, investors, and leaders.
  1. Countries that actively include women in the workforce have more economic growth than countries that don’t. The World Bank found that for every 1% increase in the population of girls educated, a country’s GDP increases by .3%. When economies grow, there are more employment opportunities, social services, and development for everyone to enjoy.
  1. Companies managed by women report more motivated workers and higher productivity than those managed by men. Though the reasons why are still contested, a Gallup poll found that individuals with female managers were 6% more engaged than those with male leaders. Similar studies have found that women may be more affirming, and check in with their employees more often than male managers do, which results in motivation, interest, and higher productivity.
  1. Women are smart investors, and studies show that they make better financial decisions than men. A seven-year study found that single female investors and female-led investment groups outperformed their male counterparts when it came to stock picking.
  1. Countries that educate women have better economies, healthier citizens, and less violence than those that don’t. Evidence shows that when girls are educated, economies improve, both because of their new ability to enter the skilled workforce and because educated women raise educated children. Investing in women is investing in the future economy, and workforce. Beyond the financial motivations, each additional year of girls’ education lowers infant mortality by 5-10%. The amount of families in poverty also decreases, as educated women wait longer to get married and have fewer children.