Search Results for: health

Program News
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New Film Asks All to Give RESPECT!

A new three-minute film urges everyone to sign the pledge in support of the RESPECT! Campaign, nationally sponsored by Macy’s.
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Program News
Give Respect logo

Give RESPECT Campaign

The RESPECT! Campaign is a social action campaign to promote respect in relationships and increase awareness about the positive role everyone can play to help end and prevent relationship violence and abuse.
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Program News
Defending Childhood logo

DOJ Announces Report Findings

This extensive report addresses the national crisis. The report is a vital component of a national program that has awarded grants to eight cities, counties, and tribal communities to develop strategic plans for community-based efforts that will address and prevent childhood exposure to violence.
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Program News
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Start Strong Releases Model School Policy

To support schools looking to foster a culture of healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence, Start Strong developed the “School Policy to Increase Student Safety.”
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Program News
Thats Not Cool

Pressure to Share Passwords…Cool or Not Cool?

How would you feel about getting pressured to share your online passwords with someone you’re dating? This question is posed in the latest video by That’s Not Cool.
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Program News
cartoon cell phones

Teens “Talk Back” with New Avatar

Pressuring someone for nude pics…cool or not cool? Teens can now create personalized talking avatar videos to answer that important question.
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Program News
Thats Not Cool

Helping Teens Draw Their ‘Digital Line’

With digital communication a central part of teens’ lives, we launched a new national public service advertising (PSA) campaign to help teens recognize digital dating abuse and take steps to prevent it.
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Program News
promising futures site

Promising Futures Launches

We launched a new website called Promising Futures to help advocates and organizations support children and parents facing domestic violence. The website includes a variety of resources including best practices, evaluation tools, research-informed strategies, and more.
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Program News
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Engaging Teachers

Teachers are natural influencers. As mentors and role models to students, teachers have a tremendous opportunity to impact how students grow to understand and appreciate safe and healthy relationships.
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Program News
Lessons Logo

Lessons from Literature

This innovative resource is helping teachers incorporate violence prevention lessons into existing curricula. It provides English teachers a framework to use the novels, poems, plays and stories to help their students build healthy, non-violent relationships.
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Program News

Recommendations Released on College Sexual Assault

Vice President Biden released a report from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that addresses the dramatic changes that must take place if students are to be safe during their college years.
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Program News
campus leaders

Campus Leadership Program

In May, 2014 we brought our inaugural Campus Leaders Fellowship program (2013-2014) to a close.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs

The Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 and included provisions to support America’s Healthy Futures Act. It requires home visitation programs to measure a reduction in "crime or domestic violence".
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Teen Dating Violence and Reproductive Coercion

This presentation gives an overview of the research on violence and its impact on health. It will offer promising programs on how to respond and promote healthy relationships. Specific clinic based interventions will be featured.
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New DHHS Recommendation for Domestic Violence Screening and Counseling

This webinar will provide an overview of the new guidelines and discuss implications for domestic violence programs, share resources from the National Health Resource Centers on Domestic Violence and share models for collaboration between advocates and providers.
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Project Connect 2.0 State/Territory Application

Futures Without Violence is selecting new sites for Phase 2 of Project Connect: A Coordinated Public Health Initiative to Prevent and Respond to Violence Against Women (Project Connect 2.0).
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings

This webinar will help home visitors understand how to screen, refer, and document these activities as part of routine programming.
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Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting

This webinar will introduce the issue of adults’ childhood experiences with violence. We will discuss the role of the home visitor in talking with parents about their childhood experiences.
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Shifting the Paradigm: Building Program Capacity to Effectively Serve Mothers and their Children

This webinar will discuss how programs can begin to assess and build capacity to effectively provide holistic services for women and their children in a deliberate and coordinated way.
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Group Work with Mothers Experiencing Domestic Violence and their Children in Wisconsin

In this webinar, participants will learn what focus groups with battered mothers and children/youth exposed to domestic violence revealed about the impact of domestic abuse on family relationships.
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Redefining Safety Planning in the Context of Reproductive Coercion

This webinar will explore successes and barriers that reproductive coercion programs encountered and discuss promising practices based on their experiences.
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Improving existing, and creating new gendered violence prevention programs and policies on college campuses

Improving existing, and creating new gendered violence prevention programs and policies on college campuses: An organizing approach
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Extended ACA Enrollment Period and Hardship Exemptions for Victims of Domestic Violence

This webinar will offer advocates information about the enrollment extension, as well as information about how survivors can access a "hardship" exemption to avoid paying penalties if they are not able to enroll this year.
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The NJ and NY Initiatives on DV Advocates Co-Located in Local Child Protective Offices

To improve safety for families experiencing both DV and child maltreatment, many states are now piloting collaborative initiatives with the co-location of DV advocates into child protection.
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The Facts on Violence Against Women With HIV/AIDS

Information and statistics on the relationship between violence against women and sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
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The Facts on Adolescent Pregnancy, Reproductive Risk and Exposure to Dating and Family Violence

Information and statistics on how violence affects reproductive health and impacts risky behaviors.
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Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Teen dating fact sheet summarizing what teen dating violence is, why it's a problem, who is at risk, who it affect health, how can we prevent it, and how does the CDC approach prevention.
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Develop a Collaborative Model of Care

Suggested protocol guidelines for a safe and effective response to abuse.
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Trauma Informed Reporting of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

Trauma informed reporting begins with recognizing that a report made against a patient’s wishes may lead to feelings of helplessness and frustration. This document includes a sample script and talking points.
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National Domestic Sexual And Dating Violence Resources And Referrals

Directory of hotlines and organizations for victims including special issues and culturally specific centers.
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Creating a Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Resource Sheet

A worksheet for local programs to document what services are offered.
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Protocol for Adolescent Relationship Abuse Prevention and Intervention

The purpose of this protocol to aid in the promotion of healthy relationships with adolescent patients and encourage assessment and support for adolescent relationship abuse with sexually active female patients.
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Sample Guidelines for Clinical Assessment and Intervention

This protocol is intended to assist medical professionals in complying with standards and thus improving service to this group of patients.
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Family Violence Office Self Assessment Tool

Form for health care providers to evaluate their office policies and procedures, office physical environment, office cultural environment, training for providers, assessment, documentation, management, evaluation, collaborative activities.
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Sample Victim Registration Form

Sample victim registration form.
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Defending Childhood: Protect, Heal, Thrive

This report calls for action by the federal government, states, tribes, communities, and the private sector across the country to defend all of our children against exposure to violence.
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Policy Paper

Stop Abuse for Every (SAFE) Teen Act: Teen Dating Violence is an Education Issue

Teen dating violence is pervasive and results in poor physical and mental health, lower academic achievement, truancy and school drop-out.
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Policy Paper

Domestic Violence and Home Visiting: Federal Policy Recommendations

Policy recommendations for home visitation programs.
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Intimate Partner Violence, Children & Early Childhood Home Visitation

Researchers emphasized the effects of intimate partner violence on children’s development.
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Sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Between Home Visitation

The goals of this MOU is to help establish a deeper relationship between home visitation and domestic violence programs and create opportunities to connect pregnant and parenting women to home visitation services.
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Responding to Abuse Against Women with Disabilities

It is critical that health care providers recognize and respond to an expanded definition of domestic violence e when serving women with disabilities.
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Sample Domestic Violence and Strangulation Policy

This policy includes sample language surrounding the policy, procedure, and documentation for routine screening, indicators, intervention, community resources.
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16 Trauma-Informed, Evidence-Based Tips for Advocates

Recommendations and tips to help guide IPV advocates in their daily work with mothers and families.
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Preventing Family Violence: Lessons Learned from the Community Engagement Initiative

This handbook describes strategies for achieving the goals and lessons learned by the Community Engagement groups.
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The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study

The ACE Study is ongoing collaborative between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente. It reveals staggering proof of the health, social, and economic risks that result from childhood trauma.
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Greenbook: Effective Interventions In Domestic Violence And Child Maltreatment Guidelines For Policy And Practice

Effective Interventions offers a comprehensive set of policy recommendations designed to increase safety for mothers and children experiencing both domestic violence and child maltreatment.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up Poster

The poster identifies aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has questions or is experiencing abuse.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Clinical Guidelines on Responding to Adolescent Relationship Abuse: An Integrated Approach to Prevention and Intervention

These are guidelines focused on the transformative role of the adolescent health care provider in preventing, identifying and addressing adolescent relationship abuse (ARA).
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When Mom Gets Abused Her Children Suffer Too

This poster was designed for pediatric health care settings and identifies for parents how domestic violence may impact the health of their child.
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Safe Homes, Safe Babies: Perinatal Safety Card

This tool also functions as a prompt for perinatal health care providers by providing quick phrases to improve discussions with women about the impact of domestic violence on their parenting and children.
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