Search Results for: health

The Whole School Approach

A whole school approach
is cohesive and collaborative action by a school community that is being strategically and continually constructed to improve student learning, behavior and wellbeing. Every school has different needs and starting points. The whole school approach is …

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Middle School Matters

There is no silver bullet, no single message, program or curriculum to prevent bullying, social isolation and violence. Schools can make great progress by focusing on developing a compassionate and informed staff, supportive school and district leadership, and data driven …

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Holidays can be stressful for kids who witness domestic violence

“It was the day after Thanksgiving last year, when I …

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Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children

Title: Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children

Date Recorded: November 16, 2016

Click here to access the slides. Click here to access the recording.
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By the end of this webinar participants will

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2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts

Title: 2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts

Date Recorded: November 17, 2016

Click here to access the slides. Click here to listen to the recording.

The 2017 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence will highlight …

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Compassion Fatigue & Self-Care for Individuals and Organizations

Title: Compassion Fatigue & Self-Care for Individuals and Organizations

Date:  November 16th, 2016

Click here to listen to the recording.

Click here to access the slides. Click here to access the handouts and links to resources.

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FUTURES Has a New Resource That May Work For You!

When I first met Ari, we were freshman in college- …

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What I learned from leading a girls empowerment group in Zambia

I was a community development volunteer in rural Zambia for …

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Teenage girl holding paper hearts over her eyes

The Ambassador Toolkit: Take Action Against Teen Dating Violence

FUTURES’ award-winning, national public education initiative That’s Not Cool has

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Child Bride

If You Think Child Marriage Doesn’t Exist in the US, Think Again.

Each year, 15 million girls are married before the age …

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FUTURES staff at Workplaces Convening

Tackling Workplace Violence: A Recap of our #SaferAtWork Convening

“You are an unmarried 28-year-old woman with one child, age …

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Artistic image of a brain x-ray

Changing Minds: The Campaign to End Childhood Trauma

Each year, nearly 60% of youth are exposed to violence …

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When the documentary, “Audrie & Daisy” (now available for streaming on Netflix), debuted at the Sundance Festival, the standing-room-only audience was overwhelmed by a startling realization. Sexual assault is not only an epidemic on college campuses, but is fast becoming …

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Our Strategies

Our Strategies leverage 35 years of experience in the power of collective action by bringing together government, healthcare, workplace human rights, business and education organizations to create a society-wide web of healing and prevention. Together, we are creating a future …

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Changing Minds: A Leadership Institute for Educators and Community Partners

FUTURES, in collaboration with the OJJDP and other partners, developed a two-day Leadership Institute to help communities implement strategies to prevent and address children’s exposure to violence in educational settings. FUTURES successfully piloted tested the curriculum with two Defending Childhood …

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5 Reasons Why Women’s Equality Benefits Everyone

This year we celebrate Women’s Equality Day and come together …

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Teenage girl holding paper hearts over her eyes

8 #RelationshipGoals You Should Really Want

    An S.O. who lifts you up and reminds you how
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Every Student Succeeds Act Funding Opportunities

While full implementation of ESSA will not occur until the 2017-18 school year, planning must begin now. States and school districts can find valuable resources for creating positive school climates and preventing and responding to students’ exposure to violence and …

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True Dude

How Being a Father Against Violence Makes You a #TrueDude

Sixteen years ago, I stepped into a role that I …

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Water and Violence

Guest Blogger: The Trek for Water: How Scarcity Impacts Girls in Impoverished Regions

Elizabeth, many girls and women often travel in darkness to water sources so they can return before sunrise. During this time, they are more susceptible to violence and sexual assault. In Zambia and other countries, girls know there is a risk of rape every time they leave their homes to fetch water. But neglecting their water collecting duties, or waiting until a safer hour of the day, are not choices these women are allowed to make.
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Overview of Nonprofit Digital Strategy

This 90-minute webinar will walk through the basics of digital communication strategy, and offers tips and tools for organizations of all sizes and budgets. The webinar will begin with the basics of managing your organization’s digital presence—including social media, email, digital fundraising, and website management. Then we feature two case studies of organizations in the field and how they’ve leveraged digital strategies to reach their organizational goals.
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woman nail salon worker giving manicure to client

Who is really paying for a $10.00 manicure?

FUTURES's General Counsel, Linda A. Seabrook comments on the recent revelations of the mistreatment of manicurists in major urban centers. She highlights how the Workplaces Respond initiative can help create safe and resilient workplaces for manicurists, as well as for all low-wage and tipped workers.
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Measuring Trauma-Informed Practice: Tools for Organizations

As organizations move towards being trauma-informed, they need ways to measure their progress in implementing these principles and practices. This webinar will highlight two empirically supported measures of trauma-informed practice - TICOMETER and Traum-informed Practice (TIP) that organizations can implement.
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Press Release

FUTURES Wins Webby Award for That’s Not Cool Website

SAN FRANCISCO (April 27, 2016) – Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) announced today that it received its first Webby Award for That’s Not Cool, a website aimed at preventing teen dating violence and digital abuse.
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Teen couple fighting

Sexual assault can happen in relationships, too.

FUTURES Health Program Director Anna Marjavi and La Clínica del Pueblo highlight the fact that even women in long-term relationships can be vulnerable to sexual abuse.
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Program News
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Secretary of State John Kerry Announces Launch of U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls

On Tuesday, March 16th 2016 Secretary of State John Kerry announced the launch of the U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls (Strategy) at the Department of State, demonstrating the Administration’s commitment to place gender equality and the advancement of women and girls at the forefront of U.S. foreign policy.
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Program News
FUTURES' Kiersten Stewart speaking at the congressional briefing on GBV in humanitarian settings

FUTURES Hosts Congressional Briefing on Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Settings

On March 24, 2016, FUTURES hosted a congressional briefing in Washington, D.C. on gender-based violence in humanitarian settings with special guest Representative Mike Honda.
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Our Mission & Values

Our Mission
For more than 30 years, FUTURES has been providing groundbreaking programs, policies, and campaigns that empower individuals and organizations working to end violence against women and children around the world.

Providing leadership from offices in San Francisco, Washington …

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Building Promising Futures: Guidelines for Enhancing Response of Domestic Violence Programs to Children & Youth

This discussion paper presents guidelines for consideration to improve the services to and success of children exposed to domestic violence.
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Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence

With the screening and brief counseling coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act and the screening recommendations in the US Preventive Service Task Force, many are looking for the best evidence-based screening tool for domestic violence to use in health settings.
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Why we need to empower every girl across the globe

FUTURES' Senior International Policy Advocate Leila Milani explains why the the newly-released U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls is so critical to ending gender-based violence worldwide.
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Young Moms, Strong Kids

Young Moms, Strong Kids is a safety card designed for adolescent parents that home visitation and health care providers can distribute as part of universal education. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for providers to discuss healthy relationships, coping strategies, and getting support.
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Quality Assessment/Quality Improvement Tool For Domestic Violence Programs

The following quality assessment tool was developed in 2016 by Futures Without Violence and Dr. Elizabeth Miller, University of Pittsburgh. It is intended to provide Domestic Violence (DV) programs with some guiding questions to assess how well they may be addressing the health needs of DV survivors.
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Program News
WorkplaceCongressional Briefing_LindaSeabrook

Global Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace Congressional Briefing

Learn more about the gender-based violence and the workplace congressional briefing featuring Congresswoman Royal-Allard.
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The Facts on Children’s Exposure to Violence

This fact sheet provides information and statistics on the various impacts of children's exposure to violence and recommendations on how to promote children's healthy growth and resilience building.
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That’s Not Cool: Mobilizing Youth Communities for Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Education

Join us for this webinar to learn more about innovative work being done in the field of teen dating violence prevention and to gain some tools for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
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#Equalby2030: Rethinking Workplace Safety and Security

Join the #Equalby2030: Rethinking Workplace Safety and Security webinar on February 24th to help prevent sexual and domestic violence in the workplace.
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Be A Model Man campaign logo

Putting the Heat on the NFL During Super Bowl 50

This Super Bowl 50, we're putting the heat on the NFL with our new #BeAModelMan campaign with The Representation Project.
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Teen sitting_Featured Image

Simple Actions You Can Take to Help End Teen Dating Violence

FUTURES' Sarah Hyde gives us some easy actions to take to promote healthy relationships during Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.
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Press Release

FUTURES Teams Up With the Representation Project During Super Bowl

Organizations team up to launch innovative public education campaign called #BeAModelMan, using Super Bowl 50 as a backdrop.
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Young woman holding sign that says 'stop violence against women'

Driving Awareness of Human Trafficking, At Home and Abroad

Leila Milani from the FUTURES policy team outlines the need for education and policy change to help end human trafficking.
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Violence Against Women Act

Learn more about the Violence Against Women Act.
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Why Invest in Women & Girls?

FUTURES is committed to advancing policies, strategies  and programs which would strengthen girls and women and allow them to develop, thrive, and contribute to the building of flourishing communities. In some countries fewer than 10 percent  of teenage girls complete …

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Tools for Advocates

Just as health care providers have a unique opportunity to support survivors and prevent violence, domestic and sexual violence (DSV) advocates play an important role in the health and well-being of their clients.  There are many ways that advocates can …

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women on rooftop

How to Support Women Living with HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day

Over 60 percent of HIV-positive women have been sexually abused—five times the rate in the general population. Learn how to make a difference on World AIDS Day and beyond!
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HIV Testing, Treatment and Care

Experiencing intimate partner and sexual violence makes it harder to prevent and manage HIV. People living with HIV who are also suffering abuse may experience an escalation of violence upon disclosure of their status – resulting in potentially lethal outcomes. …

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Setting and Community Specific Resources

The Futures Without Violence National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence has developed several guidelines, tool kits, safety cards, posters and other resources that are specific to various communities and healthcare settings.

Setting and community specific tools are best use …

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Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence

Survivors of domestic violence (DV) can now apply for and enroll in health insurance coverage through the federal Marketplace (gov) at any time during the year. They do not need to wait for Open Enrollment to begin. This Special Enrollment Period (SEP) is available to anyone who has experienced DV. Join this webinar to hear key steps and strategies for how to help clients enroll in healthcare and understand the domestic violence provisions in the Affordable Care Act.
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Pittsburgh Steeler William Gay in Purple Cleats

Most Inspiring Moments from Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2015!

Our director of communications shares her most inspiring moments from National Domestic Violence Awareness month this year.
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Keeping it Confidential in California: New Privacy Protections Under CHIA

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) increases access to health services in an unprecedented way; however, people must feel safe using their insurance to take advantage of this opportunity. Not all do, particularly DV survivors. For persons’ insured on a policy in another’s name such as a spouse, partner or parent, using health insurance can mean personal health information gets disclosed to the policy owner. Thanks to SB 138: Confidentiality of medical information, all Californians are able to prevent their health insurer from making these disclosures. In this webinar, we will provide information on the problem, the new law and share how you can help clients/patients exercise their new right.
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