Search Results for: health


The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study

The ACE Study is ongoing collaborative between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente. It reveals staggering proof of the health, social, and economic risks that result from childhood trauma.
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Greenbook: Effective Interventions In Domestic Violence And Child Maltreatment Guidelines For Policy And Practice

Effective Interventions offers a comprehensive set of policy recommendations designed to increase safety for mothers and children experiencing both domestic violence and child maltreatment.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up Poster

The poster identifies aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has questions or is experiencing abuse.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Clinical Guidelines on Responding to Adolescent Relationship Abuse: An Integrated Approach to Prevention and Intervention

These are guidelines focused on the transformative role of the adolescent health care provider in preventing, identifying and addressing adolescent relationship abuse (ARA).
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When Mom Gets Abused Her Children Suffer Too

This poster was designed for pediatric health care settings and identifies for parents how domestic violence may impact the health of their child.
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Safe Homes, Safe Babies: Perinatal Safety Card

This tool also functions as a prompt for perinatal health care providers by providing quick phrases to improve discussions with women about the impact of domestic violence on their parenting and children.
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Connected Parents, Connected Kids Safety Card

Connected Parents, Connected Kids is a safety card designed for parents that health care providers can distribute as part of universal education. In addition to providing safety resources for women, this tool also functions as a prompt for health care providers to discuss Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on parenting.
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Child and Family Service Review Outcomes: Strategies to Improve Domestic Violence Responses in CFSR Program

This guide can help state child welfare agencies who are undergoing a Child and Family Service Review (CFSR) to develop effective Program Improvement Plans (PIPs) for achieving safety.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Teen Safety Card

The card challenges all teens to consider how their boyfriend/girlfriend treats them, identifying dynamics of healthy relationships and signs that may indicate abuse.
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Turning Pain Into Power: Trafficking Survivor’s Perspectives On Early Intervention Strategies

As part of this research report, interviews were conducted with 21 survivors of human trafficking. The research, importantly, confirmed our hypothesis that for some trafficked victims, as for victims of domestic violence, health care was a potential missed opportunity for early intervention.
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Raising Our Voices: Queer Asian Women’s Response to Relationship Violence

Raising Our Voices is based on the results of a focus group with Asian immigrant women and Asian American women from different backgrounds.
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Community Self Assesment Tool

This Community Self-Assessment Tool is designed to assist child protection, domestic violence, mental health or juvenile court systems to communicate more effectively.
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Violence Doesn’t Have to be Part of Your Life

This poster was specifically designed to encourage Asian patients in health care settings to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Violence Destroys: Keep Families Sacred

This poster was developed for use in health care and community-based programs and encourages patients to talk to their health care provider about domestic violence.
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Nobody Deserves to be Abused

This poster was designed specifically for health care settings and encourages women to talk to their health care providers about domestic violence.
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Feeling Alone? Don’t Know Who to Talk To?

This poster was developed for use in all health care settings to encourage patients to talk to their providers about domestic violence.
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Contrary to Popular Belief, Straight People Do Not Have a Monopology on Abusive Relationships

This poster was designed to encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-identified individuals to talk to their health care providers about relationship abuse.
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Are You Tired of Making Excuses for Him?

This poster was designed for use in health care settings and encourages patients to talk to their health care providers about domestic violence.
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Voices of Survivors: Domestic Violence Survivors Educate Physicians

Voices of Survivors addresses the dynamics of domestic violence, its prevalence, and the need for providers to routinely assess patients for abuse.
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Women Are Sacred: American Indian/Alaska Native Safety Card

This was developed in partnership with the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center. The card aims to help women recognize healthy and unhealthy relationship dynamics.
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We Are Worthy: American Indian/Alaska Native Safety Card

We Are Worthy is a safety card for women and girls of reproductive age who live in Alaska, including those from Alaska Native villages.
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Practitioner Reference Card for Domestic Violence

This laminated 3" x 5" pocket reference card is an excellent tool for health care providers who are learning how to conduct routine assessment for domestic violence.
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Policy Paper

Joint Commissions Standard PC 01.02.09 on Victims of Abuse

A summarization of the Joint Commission instituted standards for hospitals on how to respond to domestic abuse, neglect and exploitation.
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Digital Tools

Danger Assessment Tool

The Danger Assessment instrument helps women at risk learn their level of danger and to train domestic violence advocates, law enforcement, and health care professionals in measuring and warning danger levels.
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Delphi Instrument for Hospital-Based Domestic Violence Programs

This instrument can be used for a variety of purposes including benchmarking, assessment, and research/evaluation.
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The Coding and Documentation of Domestic Violence

This paper focuses on the need for accurate documentation and coding of domestic violence in medical records and provides recommendations on how to do so.
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Policy Paper

Challenges to Task Force Recommendations on Screening for Abuse

Leading medical and domestic violence experts challenged the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force’s conclusion that there is insufficient evidence to screen patients for domestic violence.
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The Ask, Validate, Document, Refer (AVDR) Tutorial for Dentists

This DVD provides a brief, interactive learning experience to help dental professionals and dental students respond to domestic violence.
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Addressing Intimate Partner Violence, Reproductive and Sexual Coercion

This guide focuses on the transformative role of the reproductive health care provider in identifying and addressing intimate partner violence (IPV) and reproductive coercion.
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Coaching Boys into Men Playbook (International)

This playbook provides teachable moments that illustrate ways coaches can role model and promote healthy choices and relationships among youth.
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Fathering After Violence Posters

These posters were created as part of the Fathering After Violence Initiative and may be used in any community setting frequented by men and boys.
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Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus Safety Card

This safety card is designed for college-aged women and men. The card details the high prevalence of sexual assaults on campus and defines consent.
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Lessons from Literature Complete Classroom Manual

Lessons from Literature is an innovative program that calls on English teachers to bring violence awareness and prevention into your classroom.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If you haven’t been able to find the information you’re looking for, please take a look at this list of Frequently Asked Questions.
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Get Help

If you are in immediate danger, call 911.

For help and information anytime, contact:

National Domestic Violence Hotline
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
TTY 1-800-787-3224

National Sexual Assault Hotline
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Love Is Respect
TTY 1-866-331-8453
Text: loveis to …

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Get the Facts

Domestic, dating, and sexual violence are costly and pervasive problems in the U.S., causing victims, as well as witnesses and bystanders, in every community to suffer incalculable pain and loss.

Join us in the movement to create futures without violence …

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Resources & Events

Everyone has the right to live free of violence.

Under the leadership and vision of founder Esta Soler for more than 30 years, Futures Without Violence has led the way and set the pace for ground-breaking education programs, national policy …

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Contact Us

Press: If you are a reporter or have a media-related inquiry, please visit our Pressroom.

Materials: To order or download our materials, please visit our online store, or search our resource database.

Legal Requirements: If you have …

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Where We Are

Learn more our headquarters in San Francisco, CA, the Center for Leadership and Action.
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Low Wage, High Risk Pilot Site Project

In 2014, FUTURES launched Low Wage, High Risk, a pilot site project to address the vulnerability of low-wage workers to gender-based violence and exploitation.  The project focuses primarily on the retail, food service, hotel, homecare, and agricultural sectors—where workers …

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Project Connect

Project Connect and Project Connect 2.0 were violence-prevention and response initiatives that focused on strengthening collaborations between the public health and domestic violence fields in 2011-2014. As one of the only programs of its kind in the nation, this project …

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Home Visitation

When it comes to promoting health and safety outcomes for families impacted by violence and trauma, research has shown that home visitation programs can make a significant difference in the lives of survivors of violence. Based on this evidence, The …

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Supporting Organizational Sustainability – SOS Institute

The Supporting Organizational Sustainability Institute (SOS Institute) offers resources, technical assistance, and hosts interactive, multi-day trainings to help U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees, partner organizations, and community-based organizations, enhance their programming, organizational infrastructure and …

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Building Collaborative Responses to Human Trafficking

Human trafficking involves people being bought, sold, and forced into labor and/or sexual exploitation. It’s estimated that eighty percent of trafficking victims are women and girls.

Domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking  are inter-sectional issues for many survivors. Building …

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International Violence Against Women Act

One out of every three women worldwide will be abused during her lifetime. Violence against women and girls is a human rights violation, a public health epidemic, and a barrier to solving global challenges such as extreme poverty, HIV and …

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The Y-Factor: Men Leading by Example

We believe men play a critical role in ending violence against women and children throughout the world. In 2012, FUTURES hosted the first Y Factor: Men Leading by Example, an interactive summit to champion men throughout the world who are …

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Coaching Boys into Men

Athletic coaches play an extremely influential and unique role in the lives of young men, often serving as a parent or mentor to the boys they coach. Because of these special relationships, coaches are uniquely poised to positively influence how …

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Lessons From Literature

One in three teens reports knowing a friend or peer who has been hit, punched, kicked, slapped, or physically hurt by a partner. Teens and young women are especially vulnerable to violence.

Lessons from Literature is a free online resource …

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Susan Schecter Fellowship

Creating a world where women and children around the world could live free from violence was Susan Schechter’s dream. As one of the most accomplished and respected leaders in the domestic violence prevention movement, Susan was one of the first …

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