Search Results for: intimate partner sexual

Digital Tools

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

Teen dating violence can happen to anyone, from the straight …

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image associate with post about survivors or stalking

For a Survivor of Stalking, Words Matter

You’ve heard it before. Someone casually mentions that they’re “stalking” …

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Black Women’s Equal Pay Day: Moving Toward Safety, Opportunity & Respect

By Nathalie Meus, Outreach & Policy Associate


Black women’s …

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Telling a more complete story about child welfare

by: Heather Gehlert
original post on Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Gabriel Fernandez. Anthony Avalos. Zymere Perkins. Those are the names that immediately come to mind when I think about how the news media cover the child welfare system. All three …

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Upcoming Webinars

Archived Recordings

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Anti-Racism as Violence Prevention

These videos and discussion guides are intended to be used by domestic and sexual violence advocates and activists to spark conversations on the ways that racism and oppression have shaped our anti-violence movements and how we can dismantle racism in

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Press Release

National Health Initiative Kicks Off to Support Survivors of Abuse

Tracy Tierney, Futures Without Violence


National Health Initiative Kicks Off to Support Survivors of Abuse

Three leadership teams across the nation receive funding, training, and support to address intimate partner violence and human trafficking across
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two women

January is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month

An estimated 21 million people are trafficked globally at any …

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A Year in Review: How Have Workplaces Responded to #MeToo?

As individuals committed to advancing the safety, well-being, and economic security for survivors of gender-based violence, 2018 was a roller coaster ride filled with highs and lows. From accountability for perpetrators of workplace sexual harassment, to survivors finally being heard …

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Elena Josway

Program Director, Health

Elena Josway is a Program Director for the Health team at Futures Without Violence. At FUTURES, she collaborates with communities, organizations, and government agencies to improve prevention of and response to child trauma and intimate partner violence …

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PATHS Project

Providers, Advocates and Technology for Health and Safety (PATHS) Project

In partnership with Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, the University of Pittsburgh and the Office of Women’s Health, FUTURES is working with 10 communities in Arizona, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and West …

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health professionals talking - domestic violence

These Three Statistics About Domestic Violence & Health May Surprise You

We know that intimate-partner violence (IPV) is a leading health …

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Digital Tools

All-inclusive Online Tools for Providers and Advocates

As one of the nation’s leading voices on the intersection of health and domestic violence, Futures Without Violence is launching two new websites that are designed to be digital hubs for establishing partnerships between domestic violence agencies and healthcare settings across the country.
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may day

May Day: Honoring Our Workers

Today marks May Day—or International Workers Day—sparked in 1886 by …

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Woman in front of sunrise

The Local Fight to End Human Trafficking

Before FUTURES, I worked in a legal services office in …

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3 Things at Stake for Domestic Violence Survivors if Obamacare is Repealed

Let’s face facts. The incoming administration has said that repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), will be its “first order of business” once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office on Jan. 20.

Repealing the law, or even key provisions …

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FUTURES Has a New Resource That May Work For You!

When I first met Ari, we were freshman in college- …

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Program News
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Global Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace Congressional Briefing

Learn more about the gender-based violence and the workplace congressional briefing featuring Congresswoman Royal-Allard.
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Press Release

FUTURES Announces Recipients of Grant to Improve Health Care Response to Domestic Violence

SAN FRANCISCO (December 16, 2015)—Today, national nonprofit Futures Without Violence announced the selection of six Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supported community health centers and Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA) supported domestic violence programs that will receive funding to expand their capacity to support survivors and victims of domestic violence.
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women on rooftop

How to Support Women Living with HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day

Over 60 percent of HIV-positive women have been sexually abused—five times the rate in the general population. Learn how to make a difference on World AIDS Day and beyond!
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Gender Based Violence, Health and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians

This webinar will briefly outline the intersection of gender based violence and HIV, and descibe how providers, particularly those in STI testing and reproductive health settings, can respond to violence and support survivors at risk for contracting or recently diagnosed with HIV.
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Gender Based Violence, Health and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians

This webinar will briefly outline the intersection of gender based violence and HIV, and descibe how providers, particularly those in STI testing and reproductive health settings, can respond to violence and support survivors at risk for contracting or recently diagnosed with HIV.
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HIV Testing, Treatment and Care

Experiencing intimate partner and sexual violence makes it harder to prevent and manage HIV. People living with HIV who are also suffering abuse may experience an escalation of violence upon disclosure of their status – resulting in potentially lethal outcomes. …

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Setting and Community Specific Resources

The Futures Without Violence National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence has developed several guidelines, tool kits, safety cards, posters and other resources that are specific to various communities and healthcare settings.

Setting and community specific tools are best use …

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Digital Tools

Sex, Relationships, and Respect on Campus: Training slides for campus health settings

t Your Back: The Role of the Campus Health Center in Preventing and Responding to Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence training slide set provides strategies and tools for providers, staff, and students working in campus-based health settings...
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college students with administration

College Campus Health

Campus health centers are a vital component of a campus-wide …

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Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention: Promising Strategies from Community Health Centers

This webinar highlights Phase I of a pilot program to improve health outcomes through IPV prevention in three Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supported community health centers. Webinar participants will also learn how they can apply to participate in the next phase of this national pilot project. Promising practices, model tools and resources developed by the sites will be shared.
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Elder Abuse: Raising Awareness and Impact on Health

This webinar aims to raise awareness about the issue of elder abuse and help participants recognize elder abuse and identify the most appropriate resources for referrals.
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women on rooftop

Guest Blogger: Supporting Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Guest blogger Surabhi Kukke, MPH discusses the importance of supporting women living with HIV/AIDS.
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health staff

Guest Post: Raising Awareness of Abuse in Later Life

Bonnie Brandl and Chic Dabby highlight the widespread, but often hidden problem of elder abuse.
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Woman's face

6 Ways You Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence Every Day of the Year

Domestic Violence Awareness month is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean our efforts should stop in October. Six things you can do to help prevent domestic and sexual violence 365 days a year.
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health staff

Celebrating Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day!

Today is Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day, an opportunity for domestic violence programs and health centers to shine a light on the important role the health care community plays in addressing and preventing intimate partner violence.
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Material Index

Health Materials for Patients, Providers, and Advocates

An index of health and domestic violence related materials offered by Futures Without Violence.
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Program News
woman at work

7 Reasons Employers Should Address Domestic Violence

Why employers should address domestic and sexual abuse in the workplace.
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Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day (HCADV Day)

Medical studies link the long-term effects of domestic violence and …

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Rape is Rape: Facts Not Fiction

For over 30 years, we’ve been deeply immersed in supporting and developing programs, studies, policies, and legislation intended to prevent and stop rape and sexual violence.
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Digital Tools

Health e-Bulletin

Archive of the Health E-Bulletin issues.
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Program News
college student

Announcing the Winners of the 2014 Break The Silence Awards!

Futures Without Violence announced Betsy McCandless Break The Silence Awards, which supports college campaigns and activities that encourage survivors, allies, and bystanders to take action or speak out against gender-based violence on campus.
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Program News
two women

Human Trafficking: A Hidden Problem

Human Trafficking is a problem in the U.S.. Learn about the Victims Protection Act of 2000, similarities to intimate partner violence, and how you can help.
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Digital Tools
IPV Page

IPV Screening and Counseling Toolkit

Puzzled by all the details in new health care laws that benefit millions of women and girls? We’re here to help.
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Program News

Obama Issues Workplace DV Order

On April 18, 2012, President Obama took a major step to protect the lives of women and men who are federal employees when he issued an order directing all federal agencies to develop a policy to prevent and respond to domestic violence experienced by employees that affects the workplace.
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Program News
Defending Childhood logo

DOJ Announces Report Findings

This extensive report addresses the national crisis. The report is a vital component of a national program that has awarded grants to eight cities, counties, and tribal communities to develop strategic plans for community-based efforts that will address and prevent childhood exposure to violence.
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Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting

This webinar will introduce the issue of adults’ childhood experiences with violence. We will discuss the role of the home visitor in talking with parents about their childhood experiences.
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