Search Results for: prevention


Tools For Developing Public Education Material

We have created materials to educate the public in general about the effects of violence on maternal health. Read here about how we have created and used audio dramas and posters.
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Program News

Leadership Development for Immigrant Survivors of Violence

The Immigrant Women's Rights Project educates women about their rights and develops their leadership so that they can become involved in changing policies that affect them.
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Mays and Torre

Willie Mays, Joe Torre and Sergio Martinez join our National Summit

In addition to provocative presentations and panel discussions, the summit also featured an All Star Tribute luncheon, where men who have been raising awareness and implementing gender based violence strategies will be saluted alongside legendary baseball icons.
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Program News
Joe and Willie

First Ever Y Factor Summit: Men Leading by Example

Our first-ever national summit, called the Y Factor: Men Leading By Example, was a day filled with all-American heroes, unconventional advocates, committed public figures and journalists.
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Give RESPECT Campaign

The RESPECT! Campaign is a social action campaign to promote respect in relationships and increase awareness about the positive role everyone can play to help end and prevent relationship violence and abuse.
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Start Strong Releases Model School Policy

To support schools looking to foster a culture of healthy relationships and prevent teen dating violence, Start Strong developed the “School Policy to Increase Student Safety.”
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Thats Not Cool

Pressure to Share Passwords…Cool or Not Cool?

How would you feel about getting pressured to share your online passwords with someone you’re dating? This question is posed in the latest video by That’s Not Cool.
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Program News
cartoon cell phones

Teens “Talk Back” with New Avatar

Pressuring someone for nude pics…cool or not cool? Teens can now create personalized talking avatar videos to answer that important question.
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Thats Not Cool

Helping Teens Draw Their ‘Digital Line’

With digital communication a central part of teens’ lives, we launched a new national public service advertising (PSA) campaign to help teens recognize digital dating abuse and take steps to prevent it.
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Lessons Logo

Lessons from Literature

This innovative resource is helping teachers incorporate violence prevention lessons into existing curricula. It provides English teachers a framework to use the novels, poems, plays and stories to help their students build healthy, non-violent relationships.
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Program News

Recommendations Released on College Sexual Assault

Vice President Biden released a report from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault that addresses the dramatic changes that must take place if students are to be safe during their college years.
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college students with administration

New Effort to Address Sexual Violence in Schools

For the first time, the U.S. government has specifically advised schools, colleges and universities that it is their responsibility to protect students from sexual violence.
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Start Strong: Lessons Learned From A Four-Year Initiative To Promote Healthy Relationships And Prevent Teen Dating Violence

Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships was a four-year project to target 11- to- 14-year-olds and rally entire communities to promote healthy relationships as the way to prevent teen dating violence and abuse.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs

The Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 and included provisions to support America’s Healthy Futures Act. It requires home visitation programs to measure a reduction in "crime or domestic violence".
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Teen Dating Violence and Reproductive Coercion

This presentation gives an overview of the research on violence and its impact on health. It will offer promising programs on how to respond and promote healthy relationships. Specific clinic based interventions will be featured.
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New DHHS Recommendation for Domestic Violence Screening and Counseling

This webinar will provide an overview of the new guidelines and discuss implications for domestic violence programs, share resources from the National Health Resource Centers on Domestic Violence and share models for collaboration between advocates and providers.
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School-based Health Services, Adolescent Health and Anticipatory Guidance for DV/SA

This webinar guidelines will provide participants with strategies and tools to provide universal education on safe, consensual and healthy relationships, as well as models for trauma-informed responses to disclosure of ARA.
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Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings

This webinar will help home visitors understand how to screen, refer, and document these activities as part of routine programming.
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Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 1

This webinar will address the importance of understanding and developing quality improvement measures and annual goals, where and how efforts should be targeted, alignment with organizational priorities, and overall program improvement.
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Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation: Part 2

Building on Part 1, this webinar will focus on validated tools designed to evaluate the integration of a healthcare-based response to domestic violence, and measure physician preparedness to support patients experiencing DV.
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Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting

This webinar will introduce the issue of adults’ childhood experiences with violence. We will discuss the role of the home visitor in talking with parents about their childhood experiences.
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Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships: Preventing Teen Dating Violence

Specific clinic interventions will be featured and tools and resources for health care providers, teachers and parents will also be shared.
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Shifting the Paradigm: Building Program Capacity to Effectively Serve Mothers and their Children

This webinar will discuss how programs can begin to assess and build capacity to effectively provide holistic services for women and their children in a deliberate and coordinated way.
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A Survivor’s Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Promote Wellness

This webinar will explore the health impact of abuse from the experience of one survivor of violence, and discover how she learned to become proactive in her healthcare.
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Group Work with Mothers Experiencing Domestic Violence and their Children in Wisconsin

In this webinar, participants will learn what focus groups with battered mothers and children/youth exposed to domestic violence revealed about the impact of domestic abuse on family relationships.
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Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships – Influencers

This webinar discusses results from a four-year, multi-million dollar initiative on engaging and educating influencers of young adolescents, particularly parents/caregivers and older teens, on healthy relationships and teen dating violence prevention.
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Redefining Safety Planning in the Context of Reproductive Coercion

This webinar will explore successes and barriers that reproductive coercion programs encountered and discuss promising practices based on their experiences.
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Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships – Social Marketing

Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships - Lessons from a four-year, multi-million dollar initiative on utilizing social marketing and communications to engage communities and change social norms around healthy relationships and teen dating violence prevention.
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Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships – In- and Out -of-School Settings

This webinar will review results from a multi-million dollar initiative on working in- and out-of-schools to educate and engage middle school students on healthy relationship promotion and teen dating violence prevention
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What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About How New Health Policy Changes Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence

This webinar will provide a basic overview of the new health policy changes that support screening and response to domestic violence (DV) by health care providers.
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Building A Health Care Response to Human Trafficking

Health care providers need education about the prevalence and dynamics of trafficking and how to effectively assess and intervene on behalf of trafficked victims.
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Extended ACA Enrollment Period and Hardship Exemptions for Victims of Domestic Violence

This webinar will offer advocates information about the enrollment extension, as well as information about how survivors can access a "hardship" exemption to avoid paying penalties if they are not able to enroll this year.
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Better Coalitions: 8 Steps to Building and Maintaining Collaborative Networks that Support Our Children’s Safety

This web conference will provide leaders with practical support for skillfully managing the dynamic tension that commonly arises when people collaborate and networks whose members have varying perspectives, skills, and mandates.
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The NJ and NY Initiatives on DV Advocates Co-Located in Local Child Protective Offices

To improve safety for families experiencing both DV and child maltreatment, many states are now piloting collaborative initiatives with the co-location of DV advocates into child protection.
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Making the Connection: Intimate Partner Violence and Public Health

This PowerPoint training and education tool distills the most recent data and promising practices on the health impact of violence on maternal child health, mental health, injury prevention, children and adolescents, and more.
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The Facts on Preventing Violence Against Women and Children

Information and statistics on how violence against women and children is pervasive, harms from victimization or exposure, crime and incarceration of youth, and exposure to domestic violence.
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The Facts on Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence

Information and statistics on children's exposure to intimate partner violence.
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Understanding Teen Dating Violence

Teen dating fact sheet summarizing what teen dating violence is, why it's a problem, who is at risk, who it affect health, how can we prevent it, and how does the CDC approach prevention.
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Policy Paper

Stop Abuse for Every (SAFE) Teen Act: Teen Dating Violence is an Education Issue

Teen dating violence is pervasive and results in poor physical and mental health, lower academic achievement, truancy and school drop-out.
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Application of Protection Remedies For Victims of Domestic Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Crime Under U.S. Law

This paper will give an overview of the current status of applicability of self petitions and T-Visas for victims of human trafficking.
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Building and Strengthening Health Care-Based Domestic Violence Programs Resource List

Listing of Guidelines, State Statutes and Reporting Policies , Program Development, Health Care Professional Training, Evaluation, Tools and Materials, Reference Books, IOM, Recommendations, Employee Assistance, and Position Statements.
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Breaking the Cycle: Fathering After Violence, Curriculum Guidelines and Tools for Batterer Intervention Programs

The Batterer Intervention Program curriculum guidelines and tools presented in this document are part of a larger effort to engage all men – both non-violent men and those who have used violence.
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Policy Paper

Policy Brief: Summary of Provisions to Address Overlaop of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse in CAPTA/FVPSA Reauthorization

In 2010 President Obama signed into the law The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Reauthorization. CAPTA is the only law dedicated to the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
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Understanding Evidence Part 1: Best Available Research Evidence, A Guide to the Continuum of Evidence Effectiveness

This document aims to explain the purpose and meaning of the Continuum of Evidence of Effectiveness, a tool that was developed to facilitate a common understanding in the field of violence prevention.
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Preventing Family Violence: Lessons Learned from the Community Engagement Initiative

This handbook describes strategies for achieving the goals and lessons learned by the Community Engagement groups.
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Preventing Family Violence: Community Engagement Makes a Difference

This report looks at some of the lessons learned from community-based efforts to counter family violence. The bulk of the report focuses on five key goals that emerged from the FVPF’s survey, goals that are critical to family violence prevention efforts.
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Batterer Intervention: Doing the Work and Measuring the Progress

In December 2009, national experts in batterer intervention and domestic violence gathered to discuss how to improve intervention systems and design research that better informs practice. This report summarizes their findings.
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The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study

The ACE Study is ongoing collaborative between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente. It reveals staggering proof of the health, social, and economic risks that result from childhood trauma.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up Poster

The poster identifies aspects of both healthy and unhealthy relationships, encourages talking to a healthcare provider if the reader or someone they know has questions or is experiencing abuse.
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Hanging Out or Hooking Up: Teen Safety Card

The card challenges all teens to consider how their boyfriend/girlfriend treats them, identifying dynamics of healthy relationships and signs that may indicate abuse.
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