Search Results for: prevention


Incorporating a Trauma Informed Approach to Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Community Settings

Webinar about Incorporating a Trauma Informed Approach to Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Community Settings.
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The OTHER Freshman 15 Logo

Dear College Presidents: What’s Your School Doing to Prevent College Sexual Assault?

FUTURES' Butler Koshland Fellow writes about our OTHER Freshman 15 campaign geared toward ending college sexual assault.
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Program News
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2014 RESPECT! Challenge Captains

Meet the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge Captains!
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Let’s Call ‘Time Out’ on Domestic Violence

FUTURES weighs in about domestic violence in the NFL and other professional sports leagues.
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Press Release

FUTURES Leverages Technology to Curb College Sexual Assault

SAN FRANCISCO (September 18, 2014) — Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) has launched a social action campaign called “The OTHER Freshman 15” to elevate awareness of sexual assault at colleges across the country, and enable concerned citizens to take action on social media and beyond.
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Press Release

FUTURES Applauds NFL for Taking First Step Toward Curbing Domestic Violence

Violence prevention nonprofit commends swift action taken by NFL following meeting with Commissioner Roger Goodell.
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Material Index

Health Materials for Patients, Providers, and Advocates

An index of health and domestic violence related materials offered by Futures Without Violence.
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Program News

20 Year Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act

Celebrating the 20 year anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, the first piece of legislation to address domestic violence at a federal level.
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Bullying: Health Consequences and Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar

This webinar covers the prevalence and health consequences of bullying, about tools and strategies to respond and how health care providers can become part of the solution.
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Child Sexual Abuse: Health Consequences and the Role of the Health Care Provider

This webinar will discuss identification, treatment, and prevention of child sexual abuse, tools and strategies to respond and how health care providers can become part of the solution.
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Supporting Our Troops’ Families: The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families

This webinar will explore the intersection of military service and family violence, and provide guidance for health care providers in both military and civilian settings who care for military families.
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Program News
William Gay and Keith Whitted

All Sites Peer-to-Peer Exchange

We were thrilled to welcome William Gay, star cornerback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, and Keith Whitted, Jr., an 11-year-old boy who a book sharing the true and tragic story of the shooting death of his dad.
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Awards & Recognitions

Learn more about our awards and recognitions.
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Program News
Hanging out or Hooking Up logo

Hanging Out or Hooking Up?

For one in five U.S. teen girls, the most vivid memories of high school will not be her junior prom or a favorite history teacher. Instead,20% of teen girls will remember the physical abuse inflicted by someone they were dating.
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You will receive periodic communications relating to our violence prevention programs. For more information, see our * Privacy Policy
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You will receive periodic communications relating to our violence prevention programs. For more information, see our * Privacy Policy
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You will receive periodic communications relating to our violence prevention programs. For more information, see our * Privacy Policy
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You will receive periodic communications relating to our violence prevention programs. For more information, see our * Privacy Policy
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You will receive periodic communications relating to our violence prevention programs. For more information, see our * Privacy Policy
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Program News

Increased Vigilance on College Sexual Assaults

Nearly one in five women in college nationwide will be victims sexual assault in college.
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Program News
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7 Reasons Employers Should Address Domestic Violence

Why employers should address domestic and sexual abuse in the workplace.
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Workplace Resources

Information, resources, partnership and guidance in developing innovative and collaborative prevention programs, including development resources for employers and health care providers.
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Judith Kanter

Judith Kanter has devoted her life to the empowerment of women and the promotion of women's leadership. She is the Former Director of the San Francisco office of EMILY'S List (Early Money Is Like Yeast), which raises money for Pro Choice Democratic women political candidates.
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Program News

Senate Holds Hearing on Intersection of Domestic Violence and Gun Violence

Testimony of Futures Without Violence Board member Jacqueline Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN, the Anna D. Wolf Chair and Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing before Senate Judiciary Committee hearing July 30, 2014
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Tools For Improving Maternal Health & Safety in A Multicultural Context

A large collection of materials on domestic violence dynamics, training materials, and public education materials in English and Spanish.
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Understanding Children, Immigration, and Family Violence: A National Examination of the Issues

The issues and recommendations identify challenges and opportunities in reaching out to and delivering services to immigrant children and families affected by family violence, best practices in serving them, and policy implications for the work.
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Multimedia Center

Teach Early

In 2015, FUTURES teamed up with the Ad Council to launch a public service announcement and website encouraging caregivers, teachers, and other mentors in the community to talk to boys about violence against women. Men and boys play …

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Program News
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Justice for All: Ending Elder Abuse, Neglect and Financial Exploitation

The Senate Special Committee on Aging held a hearing on Ending Elder Abuse, Neglect and Financial Exploitation. Futures Without Violence President and Founder Esta Soler submitted testimony for the record.
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Digital Tools

Electronic Palm Domestic Violence Assessment Tool

We created a new assessment tool for domestic violence. It includes tips on how to conduct inquiry, assessment, intervention, documentation, follow-up for domestic violence, and facts.
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Program News

Domestic Violence and Health Care Protocols

Futures Without Violence has selected model protocols from various health care settings across the U.S. and highlights on the health care practice that has implemented this protocol.
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Program News
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Advocates Turn Horrific Events Into Successful Call for Action

Rates of rape and sexual assault often spike during times of conflict or crisis, like the current situations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Pushing the Elephant tells the story of how Rose Mapendo survived brutal violence in war-torn DRC.
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Rape is Rape: Facts Not Fiction

For over 30 years, we’ve been deeply immersed in supporting and developing programs, studies, policies, and legislation intended to prevent and stop rape and sexual violence.
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Program News
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Sportswriters Are Standing Up, Not Standing By

Thousands of voices have denounced the silence that prevailed for years inside two of the country's top sports franchises. Do you know who we think is doing a great job fueling the public conversation? Sportswriters.
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About the President: Esta Soler

An expert on violence against women and children, Esta Soler founded Futures Without Violence over 30 years ago and transformed it into one of the world’s leading violence prevention agencies. Futures Without Violence has set the pace for innovative educational programs, public education campaigns, policy development, and leadership training designed to prevent and end violence against women and children worldwide.
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Program News
family shadow

Family to Family Initiative

In 2005, the Futures Without Violence began concentrated work on the F2F initiative, a program of the Annie E. Casey Foundation that prioritizes the safety of children exposed to domestic violence.
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Healthcare-Based Domestic Violence Programs

The healthcare-based DV model approach, applicable to hospitals and clinical settings, enables the staff of a health care institution in conjunction with local DV and sexual assault (SA) programs to respond in a comprehensive manner.
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Digital Tools

Health e-Bulletin

Archive of the Health E-Bulletin issues.
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Program News
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Macy’s Thank-a-Mom Challenge a Success!

You helped us raise thousands of dollars sending thousands of Mother’s Day e-cards, and for that we say THANK YOU!
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Program News
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Coaching Boys Into Men Goes Global

FVPF and UNICEF joined forces in 2007 to enlist international celebrity soccer coaches and players as “teachers” of violence prevention. A new International Coaches Manual is available in English, Spanish, French, and for Indian communities.
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Program News
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Enhancing Judicial Skills in Elder Abuse Cases Workshop Program Overview

The National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence (NJIDV offers a four-day, hands-on, highly interactive workshop that will help new and experienced state court and tribal court judges and judicial officers to enhance their skills and ability to respond to cases involving elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
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Program News

Using Music, Movies, Video Games & School Curricula, Start Strong Is Promoting Healthy Relationships

The middle school years offer key moments to educate about healthy relationships and teen dating violence prevention. Programs should meet youth where they spend time, such as in schools, and engage a range of community partners.
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Program News
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What can the NHRC provide?

The National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence provides personalized, technical assistance to domestic and sexual violence advocates and to health care practitioners, administrators and systems, students, policy makers, and others at all levels as they improve health care's response to domestic violence.
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First Impressions: Exposure to Violence and A Child’s Developing Brain

This informational video illustrates the dangers of chronic exposure to violence on a child's developing brain. Combining inspirational true-life stories and nationally recognized experts, viewers are given information on a child's developmental risk if regularly exposed to violent situations.
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Breaking the Cycle: Fathering After Violence

Curriculum Guidelines and Tools for Batterer Intervention Programs Produced by Futures Without Violence, formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund with generous support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation.
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Program News
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Engaging Men Program Orientation a Success

In August 2011, representatives from each of the 23 sites, Futures Without Violence, Men Stopping Violence, and the Office on Violence Against Women met in Miami for a successful three day program orientation.
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Engaging Men Program Grantees Come Together in D.C.

Futures Without Violence is continuing our partnership with the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women as the lead technical assistance provider for the Engaging Men Grant Program.
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Program News
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Batterer Intervention

Batterer intervention programs (BIPs) have become the preferred way for responding to perpetrators in the domestic violence field. However, the research on their efficacy has been mixed.
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Program News
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Engaging Men to Prevent Violence Against Women

What are ordinary men willing to do to end violence against women and girls? Futures Without Violence has been asking this question for more than a decade.
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