Search Results for: prevention


Program Manager, Children and Youth Programs

As the program manager on the Public Education Campaigns & Programs team, Yesenia works on developing national violence prevention campaigns that engage a variety of audiences including youth, men and boys, educators, and coaches. …

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Virginia Duplessis

Associate Director, Health

Virginia Duplessis, MSW is the Associate Director of Health, providing oversight for a range of initiatives designed to improve the public health response to violence against women and increase the capacity of domestic violence services providers to …

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Elena Josway

Program Director, Health

Elena Josway is a Program Director for the Health team at Futures Without Violence. At FUTURES, she collaborates with communities, organizations, and government agencies to improve prevention of and response to child trauma and intimate partner violence …

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Guadalupe Ceja

Receptionist / Administrative Assistant

Lupe Ceja is Futures Without Violence’s Receptionist/Administrative Associate. She joined FUTURES back in May 1999 when it was formerly Family Violence Prevention Fund. Raised in San Francisco, CA. Graduated from Mission High School with 2 years …

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Domestic Violence in Apprenticeship and Pre-Apprenticeship Programs: Developing Effective Responses

This webinar will discuss the prevalence of opioid use and addiction. Presenters will also talk about how it intersects with those affected by domestic violence, particularly children. There will be a strong focus on concrete harm reduction strategies that providers can use with adult and child survivors of domestic violence.
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IPV/Human Trafficking and Substance Abuse and Treatment, with a Lens on Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse Programs and DV Agencies

This webinar will explore the intersections of IPV and human trafficking with substance use and treatment. It will also highlight the role of behavioral health, substance use program, and DV agencies in prevention and intervention.
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Evidence-Based “CUES Intervention” to address IPV/Human Trafficking in Primary Care Settings, and Tools for Ryan White-Funded HIV Programs

As part of a four-part webinar series for Project Catalyst, this webinar will discuss the limits of disclosure-driven screening practices for IPV and offer an evidenced-based "CUES intervention" to addressing and responding to IPV in health centers. In addition, this webinar will offer a specific tools for Ryan White-funded HIV programs.
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Beyond Halal and Haram: Muslims, Sex, and Relationships Webinar

Title: Beyond Halal and Haram: Muslims, Sex, and Relationships

Date: August 17, 2018 at 10:00-11:30am PST/ 11:00-12:30pm MST/ 12:00-1:30pm CST/ 1:00-2:30pm EST

Webinar Description: There is a dearth of resources for American Muslims related to sex and relationships, and some …

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Beyond Halal and Haram: Muslims, sex, and relationships

The goal of this safety card is to be both a survivor-centered resource and a useful conversation starter for health care providers, counselors, social workers, mentors, or other adults working with high-school and college-aged Muslim youth who are doing universal education around healthy relationships and assessing for violence.
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Muslim Youth and Intimate Partner Violence

The Beyond Halal and Haram: Muslims, Sex, and Relationships safety card was developed as a survivor-centered resource and a useful conversation starter for health care providers, counselors, social workers, mentors, or other adults working with high-school and college-aged Muslim youth. …

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Juan Carlos Areán

Program Director, Children & Youth Program

Juan Carlos’ areas of expertise include engaging men to end violence, working with DV offenders, the intersection of fatherhood and DV, cultural approaches to end violence, facilitation, and curriculum writing. He was previously the …

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Kate Miceli

Economic Justice Policy Advocate

As Economic Justice Policy Advocate, Kate works to develop and advance model policies and best practices to empower and enhance the economic well-being of survivors. Kate supports FUTURES goal of economic empowerment for survivors by tracking …

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Program News

Brandy Britton, Project Catalyst Grantee, Featured in Local News

Brandy Britton is leading efforts to engage health centers from across Arkansas on IPV and Human Trafficking prevention and intervention, as part of Project Catalyst, a FUTURES multi-state initiative.  Her partners include leaders from the AR Domestic Violence Coalition …

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Public Education Campaign for Indian Country

Since its launch in September 2010, FUTURES has worked closely with the US Department of Justice to prevent and respond to children’s exposure to violence. This problem affects each one of us. Effectively addressing it must become our shared concern …

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Strengthen Families, Prevent Violence – a Public Awareness Campaign for Indian Country

Strengthen Families, Prevent Violence is a campaign for Indian Country and was designed to educate and engage families on concrete action steps that they can take to promote resiliency and healing for children. The campaign was funded by the Office …

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Rocky Boy Reservation, MT

Led by the Chippewa Cree Tribe’s Department of Human Services, Rocky Boy’s Children Exposed to Violence Project (RBCEVP) was a collaborative effort of 11 organizations designed to prevent children’s exposure to violence, reduce its negative impact, and increase awareness. The …

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City of Portland, ME

The Portland Defending Childhood Initiative was a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving the community’s resources for both the prevention and treatment of childhood exposure to violence. Portland Defending Childhood Initiative’s work focused on educating the community about violence prevention, collaborating …

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Multnomah County, OR

Multnomah County Defending Childhood Initiative, based out of the county’s Domestic Violence Coordination Office, brought together resources from across the county to raise awareness among professionals, community members, families, and youth about the prevalence of children’s exposure to violence. The …

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Grand-Forks, ND


As part of the Defending Childhood Initiative, more than 40 organizations across Grand Forks County, North Dakota—public and private, urban and rural, secular and faith based—created the Safer Tomorrows Project to make children’s lives safer. The project raised awareness …

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To help curb high rates of violence, the Defending Childhood Initiative in Cuyahoga County in Ohio strived to transform the community by increasing awareness of and responses to childhood exposure to violence, developing trauma-informed policies and procedures, and expanding treatment …

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The Boston Defending Childhood Initiative targeted three neighborhoods in Boston with the highest rates of violence, poverty, and other disparities with increased programming to help curb the violence and support those who are affected by it. Boston Public Health Commission …

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group of kids

New Research Offers Hope for Children We’ve Written Off for Too Long

“She’s withdrawn and doesn’t listen.”

“He’s been a discipline problem …

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Group of Children

Changing Minds: Preventing and Healing Childhood Trauma

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul

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The Ultimate Healthy Relationship Factor: Self-Love

As you may know, February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness …

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Press Release

Project Catalyst: Statewide Transformation on Health and IPV

Tracy Tierney, Futures Without Violence


Project Catalyst: Statewide Transformation on Health and IPV

Four state leadership teams across the nation receive funding, training, and support to address intimate partner violence and human trafficking across their
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CHANGING MINDS: Preventing and Healing Childhood Trauma State Policy Guide

Every child needs access to the opportunities that prepare him or her to compete in the changing economies and realities of the 21st century. Yet, for too many children, exposure to violence and traumatic events in the home, school, or …

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Program News
open enrollment survivor health care dec. 15 deadline to enroll

5 Things Domestic Violence Advocates Can Do to Support Survivor Access to Health Care

Open enrollment for health coverage is happening now!

Despite all …

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New HRSA/FVPSA Funding Announcement Q+A

Futures Without Violence (FUTURES) is soliciting applications for Phase III of a project focused on fostering intimate partner violence (IPV) and health leadership and collaboration at the state or territory level to improve the health and safety outcomes for survivors of IPV and to promote prevention.
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Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Exploring the CDC’s Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Technical Package

Preventing Intimate Partner Violence: Exploring the CDC’s Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Technical Package
Friday, October 27, 2017 | 10:00 am – 11:30 pm PST, 1:00-2:30 EST

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has developed a suite …

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workplace sexual harassment

From #MeToo to #HowIWillChange, Men Can Prevent Abuse

If someone asked me #HowIWillChange when I first joined FUTURES …

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Digital Tools

Respect Effect: Small Actions Make a Big Difference

1 in 3 teens is a victim of dating abuse, …

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panel of youth speaking at conference

3 Things I Learned at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Sixteen preconference institutes, 75 workshops, 4 plenaries, 2 keynotes, and …

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Press Release

Futures Without Violence Hosts 8th Biennial National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

The conference attracts the nation’s leading medical, public health, and

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health professionals talking - domestic violence

These Three Statistics About Domestic Violence & Health May Surprise You

We know that intimate-partner violence (IPV) is a leading health …

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back to school teens relationships

Back to School: A To-Do List for Preparing Teens for Healthy Relationships

School is officially back in session, and as many of

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Immigration: We Can Balance Support with Security

While many incoming freshmen college athletes are looking ahead and …

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Vast Majority of Female Murder Victims Killed By Partners: New CDC Report

Forget “stranger danger.”

More than half of the women murdered …

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Jason Gant

Connecting the Dots Between Sports, Gender, and Relationships

This is a guest post from a recent participant of

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New research shows not only a direct link between violence against women and state security, but also that violence against women and gender relations have a causal effect on state stability.
Where male interests trump female interests, conflict is resolved

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fathers day dadvocate dad paul and daughter dads can end violence against women

How Dads Can Play a Key Role in Ending Gender-Based Violence

Meet Paul Bancroft – a California dad with a daughter …

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New research shows not only a direct link between violence against women and state security, but also that violence against women and gender relations have a causal effect on state stability.
Where male interests trump female interests, conflict is resolved

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Fostering Safer Workplaces

Futures Without Violence along with partners Asian Pacific Institute on

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Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence in Health Settings

Title: Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence in Health Settings

Date Recorded: May 25, 2017

With the screening and brief counseling recommendations in the US Preventive Service Task Force, many are looking for the best evidence-based screening tool for domestic violence …

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Digital Tools

All-inclusive Online Tools for Providers and Advocates

As one of the nation’s leading voices on the intersection of health and domestic violence, Futures Without Violence is launching two new websites that are designed to be digital hubs for establishing partnerships between domestic violence agencies and healthcare settings across the country.
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teens talking sexual assault awareness month

4 Highlights from Sexual Assault Awareness Month

During the month of April, we launched #KeepMeSafe in an …

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