Posts Categorized: Blog

Francine's family pic

Guest Post: I’m 9,000 Miles Away From Home!

Get to know Francine Nabintu, our FUTURES fellow and McCain Institute Next Generation Leader from the Democratic Republic of the Congo!
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16 Days of Activism is Ending, But Our Commitment to Education Isn’t

While 16 Days of Activism is coming to a close, FUTURES will continue our commitment to helping women and girls across the globe reach their full political, social, and economic potential.
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women on rooftop

How to Support Women Living with HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day

Over 60 percent of HIV-positive women have been sexually abused—five times the rate in the general population. Learn how to make a difference on World AIDS Day and beyond!
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Pittsburgh Steeler William Gay in Purple Cleats

Most Inspiring Moments from Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2015!

Our director of communications shares her most inspiring moments from National Domestic Violence Awareness month this year.
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Mudderella Boston Team RESPECT

Leveraging Sports to Help Break the Cycle of Violence

From our Teach Early campaign to our partnership with the mud obstacle event Mudderella, learn more about the ways FUTURES is leveraging sports to help end gender-based violence.
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women on rooftop

Guest Blogger: Supporting Women Living with HIV/AIDS

Guest blogger Surabhi Kukke, MPH discusses the importance of supporting women living with HIV/AIDS.
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I love sports writers mug

Thanks to Sportswriters Who Speak Out!

A heartfelt thank you to all of the sports writers out there who are speaking out against domestic violence!
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Making a Difference on Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Be a changemaker in your community this Domestic Violence Awareness Month!
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Young woman holding sign that says 'stop violence against women'

New Sustainable Development Goals Announced

Wendy Gutierrez from our policy and advocacy team explains the new Sustainable Development Goals and how they address global gender-based violence.
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Young woman holding sign that says 'stop violence against women'

Is the International Violence Against Women Act the solution?

How will the International Violence Against Women Act help end global gender-based violence? Leila Milani from our policy team explains.
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New Online Quiz Helps Teens Draw the Line on Digital Dating Abuse

FUTURES' new digital quiz 'Cool Not Cool' helps teens draw the line on teen dating abuse.
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Baylor University helmet

Note to Baylor: Character Matters

What the handling of a rape case at Baylor University tells us about rape culture on campuses across the country.
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Coach with baseball team

Coaches doing the right thing

Let's salute coaches who are standing up to violence against women.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Survivors of Domestic Violence Can Now Get Access to Health Coverage Any Time

Guest blogger Lena O’Rourke, Founder and Principal of O’Rourke Health Policy Strategies, writes about an exciting new policy update that increases survivors' access to affordable health coverage.
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Mother and Daughter

Thank a Mom, and Support FUTURES!

Thank a mom, and support FUTURES with Macy's new digital #MacysLovesMom campaign.
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Top Ten Moments at the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Top ten moments from the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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Should Colleges Handle Sexual Assault Cases?

FUTURES Campus Fellow Tess Cody explains why she believes that colleges and universities should respond to sexual assault cases, rather than the criminal court system.
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Using Communications to Help End Violence Against Women

Alana Garvin from our policy team talks about best practices and trends for creating effective communications material to help end violence against women across the globe.
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Vice President Biden at Health Conference

Vice President Biden Speaks About Domestic Violence and Health

President and Founder of FUTURES Esta Soler talks about her exciting experience introducing Vice President Joe Biden at the Conference on Health and Domestic Violence.
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Guest Post: Raising Awareness of Abuse in Later Life

Bonnie Brandl and Chic Dabby highlight the widespread, but often hidden problem of elder abuse.
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On International Women’s Day Let’s Push to End Global Gender-Based Violence!

This International Women's Day, let's urge Congress to prevent violence against women and girls worldwide.
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Guest Post: Tips and Resources for Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Guest blogger Barri Rosenbluth shares her tips and resources for spreading awareness during National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.
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teen girl hands nailpolish cellphone

Leveraging Social Media to Talk to Teens About Dating Violence

We're sharing our social media tips for talking to teens about dating violence and abuse.
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5 Reasons To Do A Mudderella Event in 2015!

The top five reasons you should participate in a Mudderella event in 2015!
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: Engaging the Health Care Community to End Human Trafficking

January is National Human Trafficking and Slavery Prevention Month, and an ideal time to create a dialogue about this serious issue. Commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking have severe adverse effects on the health, development, well being, and human rights of vulnerable young people in the United States and globally.
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Guest Blog Post: This International Human Rights Day Let’s Talk About Violence Against Women

Guest blogger Kendra Tappin discusses the importance of creating an open dialogue about the prevention of global gender-based violence.
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FUTURES, Macy's, and RESPECT! Challenge Logos

Winners of the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge Announced

Announcing the winners of the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge.
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Guest Blog Post: Using Technology to Create Safer Public Spaces for Women

Guest blogger Kalpana Viswanath talks about Safetipin, a phone app that leverages user-generated data to evaluate the safety of public spaces in India.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: Exploring the Intersection Between Domestic Violence and HIV

On World Aids Day, guest blogger Surabhi Kukke explores the intersection between domestic violence and HIV.
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Today Marks the Beginning of 16 Days of Activism!

Today is International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and marks the start of 16 Days of Activism!
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Guest Blog Post: Farm Workers Making History in Florida

Guest blogger Guadalupe Gonzalo from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers writes about the importance of fair wages to protect workers from exploitation—including domestic and sexual abuse.
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Female heath practitioner in hospital room

Guest Blog Post: What Domestic Violence Survivors Need to Know About Affordable Health Coverage

Guest blogger Lena O'Rourke explains the Affordable Care Act and what it means to survivors of domestic violence. This post is part of a series on the 2015 National Conference on Health and Domestic VIolence.
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FUTURES, Macy's, and RESPECT! Challenge Logos

Two More Days to Enter the RESPECT! Challenge

Only two more days to enter the RESPECT! Challenge for a chance to win 10k for the nonprofit or school of your choice. Who do you want to thank for teaching you respect?
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6 Ways You Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence Every Day of the Year

Domestic Violence Awareness month is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean our efforts should stop in October. Six things you can do to help prevent domestic and sexual violence 365 days a year.
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Mudderella Boston Team RESPECT

An Extraordinary Year With Mudderella!

Wrapping up the 2014 Mudderella event year! Over the course of the year, the seven Mudderella events held across the nation this season drew over 50,000 participants and volunteers and raised over $200,000 dollars for FUTURES.
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Dear College Presidents: What’s Your School Doing to Prevent College Sexual Assault?

FUTURES' Butler Koshland Fellow writes about our OTHER Freshman 15 campaign geared toward ending college sexual assault.
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Drum Roll, Please…. Announcing the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge

Announcing the launch of the 2014 RESPECT! Challenge. Enter now for a chance to win 10k for the school or nonprofit of your choice!
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health staff

Celebrating Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day!

Today is Health Cares About Domestic Violence Day, an opportunity for domestic violence programs and health centers to shine a light on the important role the health care community plays in addressing and preventing intimate partner violence.
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Esta Soler Ted Talk

Kicking Off Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Here at FUTURES, October connotes more than pumpkin spice lattes and trick-or-treaters. It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month—a nationally-recognized effort to take a stand against gender-based violence.
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Let’s Call ‘Time Out’ on Domestic Violence

FUTURES weighs in about domestic violence in the NFL and other professional sports leagues.
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