Posts Categorized: Blog

two women

January is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month

An estimated 21 million people are trafficked globally at any …

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A Year in Review: How Have Workplaces Responded to #MeToo?

As individuals committed to advancing the safety, well-being, and economic security for survivors of gender-based violence, 2018 was a roller coaster ride filled with highs and lows. From accountability for perpetrators of workplace sexual harassment, to survivors finally being heard …

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teens talking sexual assault awareness month

Healthy Relationships and Consent: Muslim Youth and Safety

When I was in third grade, my best friend – …

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health staff

How to Improve the Health of Survivors of Domestic Violence

Our preliminary findings from a recent project are clear: partnerships

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Unable to Leave: Economic Sabotage and Exploitation in Abusive Relationships

Inevitably, when I share with an acquaintance that I work …

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several colorful bracelets displayed on table

Bracelets That Link Us

Last month, Futures Without Violence put out a call for

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hand with word listen on it - a call for empathy

A Call for Empathy

As the #MeToo movement coincides with allegations of sexual violence …

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Addressing Gender-Based Violence Through the Lens of Intersectionality

When I first looked at the Futures Without Violence website, …

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Solutions Summit Blog

Time for Solutions

In the months following the resurgence of #MeToo, and the …

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I Asked My Dad What It Was Like to Be the Father of a Rape Survivor

This is the fourth in a guest post series for

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person writing letter

An Open Letter to My Abusive Ex-Boyfriend

This is the third in a guest post series for

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two pairs of feet

I’m a Survivor of Abuse and This is What Dating is Like Now

This is the second in a guest post series for

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leila human trafficking talk

Human Trafficking: Breaking the Chain for Women

Can we have a future without violence? Is that even …

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friends talking - how to reaction when a friend is a survivor of rape

7 Ways NOT to React When Your Friend is Raped

This is the first in a guest post series for

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New Research Offers Hope for Children We’ve Written Off for Too Long

“She’s withdrawn and doesn’t listen.”

“He’s been a discipline problem …

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Esta Soler March for Our Lives - march to end violence

#MarchForOurLives: A Watershed Moment in the Movement to End Violence

We were surrounded.

As the Millennials among the FUTURES board

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Group of Children

Changing Minds: Preventing and Healing Childhood Trauma

There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul

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Photos Still Powerful When It Comes to Domestic Violence

The FBI had collected and shared evidence about senior White …

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The Ultimate Healthy Relationship Factor: Self-Love

As you may know, February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness …

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domestic violence health insurance

Health Care Open Enrollment: What Survivors of Domestic Violence Should Know

Millions of people have enrolled in health insurance for 2018 …

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group of health care professionals

When Health and Domestic Violence Intersect

Futures Without Violence is proud to announce the launch of …

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money domestic abuse / woman holding purse

Money: A Critical Component of Domestic Abuse

I’m new to America. Eight weeks ago, I left my …

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Photo by: U.S. Mission Geneva / CC BY-ND

Another Step Back for the U.S. in Standing Up for Women Worldwide

In Washington D.C. on November 22, 2017, Secretary of State …

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open enrollment survivor health care dec. 15 deadline to enroll

5 Things Domestic Violence Advocates Can Do to Support Survivor Access to Health Care

Open enrollment for health coverage is happening now!

Despite all …

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workplace sexual harassment

From #MeToo to #HowIWillChange, Men Can Prevent Abuse

If someone asked me #HowIWillChange when I first joined FUTURES …

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person's feet up on table while watching tv

Using Mainstream Media to Talk to Teens

I don’t need to tell you that mainstream media has …

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In Case You Missed It, We’re Complicit: Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Perpetrators of sexual harassment do not act in a vacuum. Harvey Weinstein certainly did not commit his decades of sexual harassment in covert isolation. It was an “open secret” for many in and outside of the industry.

Consider the co-workers …

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panel of youth speaking at conference

3 Things I Learned at the National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence

Sixteen preconference institutes, 75 workshops, 4 plenaries, 2 keynotes, and …

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candlelight vigil domestic violence guns women

When Will It End? Domestic Violence, Guns, and Women

Although the shocking facts of the Las Vegas mass shooting …

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health professionals talking - domestic violence

These Three Statistics About Domestic Violence & Health May Surprise You

We know that intimate-partner violence (IPV) is a leading health …

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Honoring Workers This Labor Day and Ending Sexual Violence

Sexual harassment and sexual violence occur in the workplace at …

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Murder in Charlottesville: Warning Signs Ignored…Again

For those of us who pay attention, it was no …

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back to school teens relationships

Back to School: A To-Do List for Preparing Teens for Healthy Relationships

School is officially back in session, and as many of

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Immigration: We Can Balance Support with Security

While many incoming freshmen college athletes are looking ahead and …

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steubenville sexual assault five years

Five Years Since Steubenville: Five Important Lessons

Today marks five years since the highly disturbing sexual assault

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Small Town with a Big Heart: How I Met an Unsung Hero

A few weeks ago, I traveled from my home in …

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Let’s Snatch Violence and Intimidation Out of Congress

Imagine the following outrageous scenario:

A man disagrees with a …

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Vast Majority of Female Murder Victims Killed By Partners: New CDC Report

Forget “stranger danger.”

More than half of the women murdered …

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Jason Gant

Connecting the Dots Between Sports, Gender, and Relationships

This is a guest post from a recent participant of

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On Campus Sexual Assault Prevention, Being Ready, and Getting Energized

This is a guest post from a recent participant of

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How Dads Can Play a Key Role in Ending Gender-Based Violence

Meet Paul Bancroft – a California dad with a daughter …

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teens talking sexual assault awareness month

4 Highlights from Sexual Assault Awareness Month

During the month of April, we launched #KeepMeSafe in an …

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may day

May Day: Honoring Our Workers

Today marks May Day—or International Workers Day—sparked in 1886 by …

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